Guidelines for Schools Seeking Funding from the HR Taylor Charitable Trust

The Trust makes grants to state schools by part-funding musical instruments, musical equipment, musical tuition and music-related capital projects. Grants are only very occasionally made to independent schools. As schools are VAT-exempt the grants are paid net of VAT. Grants (except for tuition) are released only on presentation of proof of expenditure.
It is Trust policy not to fund activities undertaken or offered by a member of a bidding school’s staff that would normally be expected to be part of the role of a contracted music teacher, e.g. running an extra-curricular choir or band.

Funds are normally only granted to schools in the geographical and historical areas of Surrey.
It is rare for the Trust to fund transport costs, concert tickets or accommodation.


How to apply
Please open and edit (in Word) and email the tuition application form with your tuition bid.

Please open and edit (in Word) and email the instrument application form with your instrument/equipment bid.

You should use these forms as well as the guidance notes below to ensure you provide all the required information. You can email to request further help or advice.

Applications for musical instruments and musical equipment should be made after research to ensure they are robust enough for school use. Instruments are likely to be mid-priced and durable rather than coming from the budget student range. Well maintained and repaired as necessary, they should last for eight to ten years, and the Trust would not normally expect to be asked to fund replacements within that time.
Applications should include:


brief details about the school and the role of music in it.


the reason for the application and the use to which the instruments/equipment will be put. This should include the likely number and/or range of people who might benefit from the equipment, e.g. The keyboards will be used by all of our KS3 students (800) every week. The piano will be used in assemblies, concerts and productions, and will be made available to hirers of the school. These instruments will be lent out to students learning instruments for their first year of tuition.


written quotes, net of VAT, from two or more educational suppliers (weblinks or extracts from catalogues will not be considered). Where appropriate, suppliers should be asked for a discount for quantity. The two quotes should be comparable, featuring the same instruments or equipment in the same numbers. Please make sure there is a clear connection between the quotes, the amount you are requesting and your application.


the contribution from the school, parents, PTA or other sources. The Trust would expect this be in the region of a third to a half. In the event of there being no contribution, please explain the reasons for this. It is extremely rare that the Trust would fund the full value of instruments or equipment.


the exact amount being requested from the Trust.

Please note, the costs below are an example only and not reflective of actual prices.
Please replace Supplier A and B with the name of your suppliers.
Prices should be excluding VAT as schools are exempt but include any discount you have been able to negotiate.


Make & Model


Supplier A
Unit Cost


Supplier B

Unit Cost


Quotation Reference

Lowest Price

Supplier Choice































Stand trolley

Black Cat









Patch bay










Digital tuner




















School/Parent/PTA contribution










Bid Total











Applications for tuition costs are normally made by the June deadline (ie 11th June 2023) and include:


brief details about the school and the role of music in it


numbers and year groups of children and their instrument(s) of tuition.


tuition costs and the extent to which lessons will be shared (pairs and/or small groups preferred). Individual lessons will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.


the contribution from the school, parents, PTA or other sources. The Trust would expect this to be in the region of a third to a half. In the event of there being no contribution, the reasons for this should be fully explained. It would be extremely rare for the Trust to fund the full value of tuition.


the exact amount being requested from the Trust.

Please note: The Trust will require you to provide termly invoices throughout the year that show the tuition taking place matches your funding bid. Grants may be adjusted or withheld if the tuition is not taking place as planned.

Below are three examples of the formula to use when calculating the amount you are hoping to receive:

6 students learn the flute
They have paired, half hour lessons each week
This totals 1½ hours of lessons at £35 for thirty weeks in a school year.
3 x ½ x 30 x £35 = £1575
The school / parents contribute one third (£525) so the bid is for the remaining £1050

5 students learn the violin
They have one paired and one group of three learning for ½ an hour each week
This totals one hour of lessons at £40 for thirty weeks in the school year
2 x ½ x 30 x £40 = £1200
The school / PTA contributes half (£600) so the bid is for the remaining £600

8 students play in a woodwind ensemble
They play all together for one hour each week
This totals one hour of lessons at £35 for thirty weeks of the school year.
1 x 1 x 30 x £35 = £1050
The school / parents contribute one third (£350) so the bid is for the remaining £700

Applications for capital projects do not have a specific application form but the details below are required:


a covering email about the school, and the role of music in it.


the nature of the project and the range, scope and magnitude of the benefits.


quotes from two or more suppliers, net of VAT, including professional detailed drawings and pricings.


the overall cost.


the contribution from government, school, PTA and other sources approached for funding. In the event of there being no contribution, the reasons for this.


the exact amount being requested from the Trust.


Before you send us your application via email, please remember to include:

For instruments - two detailed quotes for the identical or equivalent items with net of VAT prices. Please make sure there is a clear connection between the quotes and the application as in the example above.

For tuition – a detailed breakdown of the cost, group size, student age, lesson time and lesson frequency as per our given example above.

For all applications – the total amount you are requesting from the Trust.

For all applications – details of the contribution (by the school, parents or others) or justification in the case of none. Failure to address this requirement will result in the bid not being considered or the decision being postponed until the information is received. Please remember: it is extremely rare for the Trust to fund the full value of instruments and/or tuition.

Each application is judged on its own merits. The Trustees’ decision is final.


Contact: Kate Perry, Administrator -
Address: HR Taylor Trust, 32 Chipstead Station Parade, Chipstead, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 3TF